Thursday, January 23, 2014

Power in Pumps & Heels


Ladies, there is great POWER in wearing PUMPS & HEELS!
Don’t let the fellas tell you anything less. Pumps can be the pride of the female.  It is your time to SHINE, with your head held high in those heels.  We are given the pleasure of stepping out in pumps in the most glamorous of occasions.  And while, yes, your feet may hurt after a long day’s journey, girl, THEY won’t be remembering your pain but your poise and grace. 

But remember to always wear what makes you happy and comfortable. If you aren’t ready for the 6-inch pump, maybe try a 6-inch shoe with a sturdier, thicker heel and a 1 to 2-inch platform base for added support in order to maximize your comfort (and to lessen the arch/slope of your foot).  This is a good trick for those of us who can’t point our toes or are less comfortable walking in heels but want the same fierce look of the pump.

So ladies, go forth into the world and be GREAT, be glamorous, and be prosperous.

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